
Sunday 20 December 2009

every day i remember ...

God still sits on the throne, and the devil is a liar.

Saturday 19 December 2009

The Details Are Important To Our LORD!

I think that God is so generous that He is concerned about all the details of my life.  He took time to paint the beautiful wings of the tiniest insects... He has taken time to paint the most intricate details of my life as well!

Tuesday 17 November 2009

About Every Life & The Great Commission

Since the Great Commission is given to every Christian... then it stands to reason that every Christian's life is "a great missionary biography" in the making!  We just need to let God write it--in His own handwriting, in His own way, in His own time! 

Monday 16 November 2009

All My Brothers

Anyone who has trusted Christ as their Saviour the Bible Way is my brother.  This requires no "qualification."

Saturday 31 October 2009

Got This By Email From Dad & Mom Today...

A father wanted to read a magazine but was being bothered by his little girl, Shelby.. She wanted to know what the United States looked like. Finally, he tore a sheet out of his new magazine on which was printed the map of the country. Tearing it into small pieces, he gave it to Shelby and said, 'Go into the other room and see if you can put this together. This will show you our whole country today..'

After a few minutes, Shelby returned and handed him the map, correctly fitted and taped together. The father was surprised and asked how she had finished so quickly. 'Oh,' she said, 'on the other side of the paper is a picture of Jesus. When I got all of Jesus back where He belonged, then our country just came together..'

Friday 30 October 2009

We Have Made A Fatal Mistake!

Too many Christians have forgotten who the enemy is.  Sometimes I do too...

Sunday 4 October 2009

Tuesday 25 August 2009

About Mission Boards

I heard the greatest quote today during training:

"If a mission board doesn't cover their missionaries with prayer daily, it is criminal!
It's like telling the soldiers fighting in Afghanistan,
"I'm sorry, the Airforce only works
one day a week!"
--Pastor Paul Choo

Wednesday 19 August 2009

About Music

I think there are really only two kinds of music that matter. One is the kind that our LORD accepts, the other is that which He rejects ... and the determininng factor rests in the heart of the musician/worshipper.

All the rest is secondary...

Tuesday 18 August 2009

God Is Just, But He's Not Fair

. . . and that's ok . . .

Monday 17 August 2009

What I Really Think: a list

1. the best colour is light

2. grapefruit is not a great scent for bath gel

3. bugs are my favourite work of God's aritstic hand

4. travel is more fun if only the LORD knows where you are really going--which is always! So...... may I say.... travel is more fun when we realize only the LORD knows where we are really going! I will trust Him.

5. agar agar is not the same as jello

6. solid is not a word I would like linked to my name

7. 2 ply is better than 1, but one is better than none

8. peace seldom lasts, but does return

9. lips are lovely gentle connectors of heart to heart

10. gossip destroys without preference to race, creed or colour

Sunday 16 August 2009

What's Valuable? Focus

I think a wasted life
is one spent evaluating others
to see if they are living their's correctly.

I've done it. I am ashamed to say it.

But, it has become a life's ambition with some folks-- often fueling a lack of love, absense of unity, unforgiveness and failure to restore biblically---even encouraging comparison and spiritual ranking. It sends broken people to other movements where there is love instead of evaluation, forgiveness because of mercy and acceptance.

And we blame them for going! Ruin their reputations. What is that? It's not Jesus Christ's kind of Christianity.

Saturday 15 August 2009

Stolen Identity

People love to go to visit the ministry in the Philippines where Mike Redick is the President of Student Movement For Christ International. They meet our team and think how marvelous it is to see this sort of fearless, simple faith--joyously zealous--unquestionably obedient. They feel refreshed after just being with them for a short time. Many want to pack it all up immediately and go to join this move of GOD because they have never experienced Christianity like this before!

And why not? Aren't we all hungry for something more? I want to experience my living God in the way of the Bible! I know I believe it, so couldn't I please experience it just a little?

Considering all this should cause us to pause and re-evaluate our individual Chrisitianity. Why are they like that and I am not!? I think those new Christians in the Philippines are living closer to the what Watchman Nee meant when he wrote about The Normal Christian Life, or when he outlined the Character of the Christian Workman-- He said that those Christians aren't special--they are simply normal--even average.

I think the rest of us are the out of sync ones---and not only that, we reproduce other who are even more out of sync. We perpetuate "clinging vine" Christians generation after generation--clinging to pet-peeves and idiosyncratic preferences. These Christians entwine themselves and cling to identities forged by who you know, who approves of you, or by what you wear. Sometimes it's how high you jump or even a Godly heritage. Not that the LORD doesn't have a lot to say about these things, but one thing is clear, there is no joy and life in an identy forged from anything other than who I am in Christ.

Living that way, our true identities have been stolen! The baby Christians in SMCI don't know any better than to believe that the "such were some of you" means them! And that they really are seated with Christ at the right hand of God--that we are all the same bunch of sinners, and all forgiven... completely washed... standing just as if we never sinned before man and God. Their true identity is in Christ!

Shouldn't that mean something to me and to you too?

Friday 14 August 2009

Fire Is Required

It's tough when the fire is unleashed in my life! Sometimes though, I actually think it is tougher on those who hold me dear than on me! When I suddenly had seizures out of the blue when Mike went into evangelism, I was unconscious! Those around me in church when the first one happened were shocked and fearful that they were doing the right things to protect me. Mike was in Burma with Jeff and John and Josh. He could not come to me for 5 days.

Even though it was a shocking set of events, this fire was the first of a special refining which I am immensely thankful for. It was what the LORD used to expose the working of the flesh in my life in a destructive, covert, disguised sort of way. If the fire had not come to me in such a drastic way, I would never have known how much pride was keeping me from knowing the beauty of the victory Christ had attained for me on the cross.